Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Fangirlistic Playlist #1: THE FEELS!!

(photography skills! ⬆⬆⬆)
So recently, this past month, I've been experiencing some major feels when it comes to a few stand out books that I've read. Some caused me heartache while others plainly left me crying in the corner. Others made me feel empowered while others left me wondering what the heck I'm doing with my life. We all have these feelings whenever we read a book that effects us in an emotional way and that's just the life of fangirls and fanboys all around the world. Once you're in, there's no going back. So without further ado, here are some of my favorite tracks that I have turned to time and again for comfort when dealing with THE FEELS:
1. When your OTP goes down in flames.

2. When the ending has you like ". . . . ."

3. When your OTP realizes too late they're meant to be

4. When a character starts falling in love with the wrong person in the love triangle and it's too late for you to begin liking them because you can see right through them . . .

5. When there's so much going wrong it's not even funny

BONUS: 6. When you desperately want your fictional boyfriend/girlfriend to exist

So what other feelings do you have after finishing a book? Leave your feelings down below and maybe I'll make a playlist inspired by it! Read on bookworms! See you in the next chapter!

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